Full Version: 66 convertible well surround trim clips.....
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Sorry for posting this twice (posted in parts wanted), but it looks like there is more traffic here than in any other parts of site...

For anyone reading this, I am in need of the trim clips that go around the outside of the convertible top well, that hold the trim down with the snaps for the convertible top boot cover...... make any sense?? I need a few of them, probably 5 would do. Not sure if they are year specific, but my car is a 66.

Any help or leads would be wonderful.........the snaps for the convertible top boot screw into these clips, under the trim.

Thanks in advance.

Mike In MN
Did you try R/T Specialties? I think you may have to go with used.
Thanks for the reply....They do have them, 25 of them for $99 bucks. Spendy, but its only money.