Full Version: Anyone doing ´67 chrome trunk panel reproductions?
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I have been searching the web for reproduced chrome trunk panel for my´67 500. Can only find the ones for the ´67 R/T at Laysons for about $1300.
Since the taillight chrome bezels are being reproduced, one would think there is a market for the bezel that runs the width of the trunk too.

Please let me know if you know of a company that produces this panel.


Ragnar in Iceland
Trim panel is the same, the emblem bolts to it. R/T or 500.

Layson's sells trim panels for `67 Coronet? I did not know that, an item that use to be reproduced a long time ago.
Damn nice car !!!
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=11776&d=1499823558]
I don't know on the finish panel. I like that you have the mag hub caps on the car. NOBODY likes 'em! I think they are cool! Our car originally had them-we still have the set in nice shape too!
Nice car! What kind of road material is that?
We have red rock out here, perfect for base but in this pic clearly overseas has red rock I have never seen.
Thanks guys for the replies and good words about my Coronet. The red rock is actually crushed lava rocks. We have lots of that here in Iceland Smile