Full Version: Helloooo!! New member with a '56 2-Door Sedan
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Hello Jeff,

An item that I always buy whenever I purchase a vintage vehicle, is a reprint of the vehicles factory service manual. This manual will answer a lot of your questions regarding how the various systems work and are put together on your vehicle. Below I've given you the contact information for a company that I've done business with many times over many years that is licensed by Chrysler to reproduce and sell exact reproductions of these manuals. These service manuals are sold in two different ways, a printed book format and a CD formate, so you can choose the version that suits you best.

In my opinion, it will be the best money that you will spend on your Coronet!


Faxon Auto Literature
3901 Carter Ave # 2,
Riverside, CA 92501


Toll Free:
(800) 458-2734
Telephone: (951) 786-4177, dial *

Customer Service:

Toll Free: (800) 458-2734
Telephone: (951) 786-4177, dial 3

Website link for the printed book format:

[Image: 1956DodgeCarRM3D.JPG]

Website link for the CD format: [URL=""]

[Image: 1956DodgeCDRM.jpg]
Welcome to the DCR Viperman.Good luck with your project.
ViperMan Wrote:Southwest part of the state - near Trumbull.

Cool! I have a bunch of family in that area but I grew up near Hartford.
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