Full Version: Recommend engine swap shop
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I live in southern NH. Can anyone recommend a shop that specializes in engine swaps.
Thinking of swapping out 440 for a hemi in my convertible 67 Coronet. Any feedback appreciated.
I'm in Waltham and I have no idea who could do it for you, sorry. If you want, PM your number and I can give you the number of someone who might know.

I'd love to do job like that, but I have no time for my own!
ws27 Wrote:I'm in Waltham and I have no idea who could do it for you, sorry. If you want, PM your number and I can give you the number of someone who might know.

I'd love to do job like that, but I have no time for my own!

Me too, if out my way I'd say bring it on