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is there a compassionate soul out there that has replaced their early dodge tie rods ? I called advance auto, was told moog es158L and R was not I called napa they crossed ref to es60L and R. had to order 2ea for my 50 coronet, from main warehouse calif. fast forward a week they came in white boxes not labeled for application so I called them I was told I can use only three of them I have to order a "special" one, part rp26402 for 115.00! so I then called moog corp. was informed they stopped making part in 1984 but # was es131,so what about all the suppliers that list the es158 for replacement? then different sites have same # at diff locations ex: es60r for left outer seems not everyone can now I have these parts not sure are correct and where go.before I break everything apart I need some confirmation from someone that already changed theirs if you can specify right inner/outer left inner/outer I would appreciated it thanks
By my old MOOG book

es-158R right outer es-158L right inner
es-131R left inner es-131L left outer

any help?
Does specs say differences in two?all suppliers show es158.for all 4? Es131 doesn't have a superseded number. Wondering if because original had leather seal
Moog told me they have nothing for my year..i think numbers changed when power steering came out .mine is manual
I can give you specs each # listed if that helps
Andy if the book lists the specs that would be great.guess thread count & diameter is important to compare ? The es158 seems to be the common list.i tried to find a cross fit for es131 nothing comes up.also noone shows a right inner. Tks again
Ok I list specs in morning, there in the back of the book
#131 11/16-18 taper spec : .725 high .640 low .672 lgth 9 1/16 -18 thread
#158 " " .724 high .640 low .680 lgth. " "

No length given, maybe that is where different.
Looks to be installed to me this one
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