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67RTBlue Wrote:I'm missing the forum so figure this s#!t out!

Some thoughts and suggestions to you from someone who has been a part of the DCR family for a lot longer than you have been sir.

(01) Read and understand the replies that Kevin gave you to your comments.

(02) Understand that Kevin is a VERY busy man with his family and work responsibilities in the real world plus trying to do all of the behind the scenes work that is required to keep a website running on a daily basis.

(03) Seriously consider showing some respect to the man who owns, runs and allows you and all of the rest of us to be a member here on the DCR.

(04) Please feel free to go start your own Mopar website if you're not happy with the way Kevin is running the DCR.

Piper Wrote:Its figured out.

Google needs to update their list if its still throwing messages, I have no control over that. The site has been upgraded and patched.

Yeah Buddy your the man , thanks mucho gracias
Is there traffic on the site in the way of posts? When I look under what’s new there’s only like 3 new posts over the course of days?
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