Full Version: New Member - 67 R/T in PA
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Recently sold my 68 GTX and picked up a 67 R/T. I'm also over on FBBO with the same user name.

Car was sold here in the small town I still live in back in 67 and stayed here all its life. Last saw the road in early 1980. I've been working on getting this car and another for some time now.

Pictures on this site seem to be a challenge.
Welcome , hope you figure out the pics.
Welcome to the site! If you can't figure out the pics, I'm sure someone here can help.
Here you go!

Looks like a great project with cool history. I'll be keeping an eye over at FBBO.

Just try to hide a 67 from me! LOL
Thx. For some reason it gives me a failed message when attaching from my iOS device.
Your welcome.

iOS, Fios, myos, LOL All over my head. Here at the Coronet Registry, we're still working on carbs and points.Smile
Keep the pics Rollin! Grille and trim look good!
Car has good bones for sure. Here's a picture from day one. Twin to this one that my parents owned new.

67RTBLUE - I didn't get a chance to search a lot on this site but what the wheel and tire combo on yours?

[Image: 36292569525_41c719c6d5_z.jpg]67 RT by [url=][/url], on Flickr
LOVE that vintage pic of the car even with the dorky hubcaps! I wish like hell the original owners son could come up with some of our car!

The steelies we have are stock 14" with replica blue lines from Coker Tire.
The ET's are staggered diameter and width. 215 70 R14 fronts 225 70 R15 rears.
Thx. Still have the original hubcaps for ours, they'll go on the 14's with redlines. Need a cooler second set of wheels for sure.
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