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Hi all, new to the site and thoroughly enjoying the read when I can.
I'm 6th owner of my 70 coronet R/T, had two of the original owners track me down here in New Zealand where the car lives, and sent me old info and some pics from the 80's when one owned it when he was 16yrs old. The car had mag wheels in the old photo from him, another owner said he put ralley's on it in the 90's and now I am trying to find out what the car originally had. My fender tag has no special code ref for wheels. Galen govier decoded the tag and from some of the information he sent the following.
STD "road wheels" 14x6 stamped steel- painted w/hubcaps - Coronet R/T
W11 - painted black w/delux wheel covers - optional
W13 - painted black w/deep dish covers - optional
W15 - painted black w/wire wheel covers - optional
W21 - 14x5.5 rallye wheels with trim rings - optional
W23 - 14x5.5 road wheels with trim rings - optional
15x7 stamped steel - painted body color w/hubcaps - optional
W21 - 15x7 rallye wheels with trim rings - optional

This leaves me with a question since my car does not have a special code for wheels on my tag. Would my car have originally come out with stamped steel wheels and would they have just been painted black with hubcaps? Since I do not have W23 on my tag saying that the wheels should be painted the body color. All original 70 R/T's I have seen on the net have the stamped steel wheels color coded to the car, so I am a bit confused. Perhaps all 70 R/T's had color coded steel wheels STD but they were 14 inch, and if you wanted 15 inch then you got a W23 on your tag.
Love to know what anyone thinks out there.
Welcome to the site, I'm sure someone with 70 knowledge will chime in, sorry but I'm limited to 66-67.

Do you have any pics to share, we'd love pics!
Love FK5 on an 70 R/T! Tire/wheel info is not on a fender tag, but obviously on the broadcast sheet which assuming you don't have?

So per GG's generic wheel codes, I have attached a pic to show you the wheel options. "W23" is called "road wheel", but is usually referred to as "Magnum" chrome style thanks to Ford/GM's "Magnum 500" influence with the same pattern. The line "15x7 stamped steel - painted body color w/hubcaps - optional" is a separate option, and I am not aware of a "W" code, but is part# 2944450 wheels. If you could get painted 14" or 15" steelies on an R/T, the color would have to be on your BS Line4. Black was on 69.5 A12 SuperBees, not on R/Ts with fratzog dishes. (I think TX9 was always listed for rallyes and magnums). Many restored R/Ts you see now have painted steelies as a visual preference even though they came with rallyes or magnums. I would think the majority R/T's came optioned W21 or W23, as it is the top-of-the-line model. But someone who has data on a lot of BS's could tell you how often they've seen painted steelies.


Standard R/T tires were F70x14 (code T86 or T87) and you could get F60x15 (code U84) with 15" wheels. If you have the driver door jamb tire sticker it prob has a 3402068 in the lower right corner. If you have the original mark on your trunk lid it probably would say "F70" or "F60" which tells you what the spare matches. The spare was a black steelie.
Any markings on the under side of trunk lid? Sometimes that will give a clue.
Welcome! Did you find a build sheet?
Thanks for reply, I'm still learning to drive this site.
See if these pictures come through.
Thanks for your help. I agree with you regarding the FK5, it was the only other colour apart from black that I wanted when I started my search for an original 70 coronet. I also had to have the ramcharger hood on it. I missed out on the first one I saw,sold from under me, it was FK5, black vinal roof, black stripe, in Kentucky. Then my one came up on ebay, with buy now, think in the end this was a better car.Spent all its life in Calif apart from last 4 years in Illinois.
Unfortunately I do not have my broadcast sheet, wish I did, there is a site that you can get copies from but I think it only goes up to 1968. My friends with their 57 and 58 Plymouth fury's managed to get copies. So I was just having to research into what possibly a 70 R/T came out with "standard". Looking at the paperwork from Govier which by the way is always getting new information coming in, his sheet he sent me had STD "road wheels" 14x6 stamped steel-painted w/hubcaps. I agree with you that the reference to "road wheels" is the Magnum wheel. but it confused me when his sheet says "14x6 stamped steel- painted w/hubcaps. So then I guess the "magnum" is painted black, and the "w/hubcaps" could refer to the small centre caps.
I was informed by one of the previous owners that the car was in good shape body wise when he owned it, but it did have the trunk lid replaced due to someone sitting on it or something falling on it. So I think any trunk numbers would not help me much.
I see the pictures loaded up. This old dog can be taught new tricks.
I any confused, its the same car in all the pics, one is from a previous owner in the 80's when he was 16yrs. The rest are when it had rallye's on it and a personalized license plate given to me from my ex, now I have put the steel wheels on and its got a new lic plate.
Looks like a great resto! So you have both 15" rallyes and dog dish steelies depending on your mood?
Since it was a Los Angeles build (E) it most likely never had a broadcast sheet inserted anywhere, so it would not be in existence today.
If you haven't come across it yet, and you'd like to see what came "standard" look at a 70 Dodge Data book, scans are on

Great car! FK5 was my #1 color, FC7 #2, but I wound up with of course EF8.
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