Full Version: Trans leaking like a sieve after parked-couple other leaks.
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Ever since I messed with the kickdown link it seems to have gotten worse. I had a small drop coming from the bottom of the bell housing but now it's leaving a trail on the garage floor. (Cardboard down) I thought I remember reading somewhere about the linkage adjustment and a valve inside the trans that allows the fluid to drain back into the pan causing a leak. But why would it be coming from the bell housing area? Tranny was rebuilt new seals and all.
Also the rear main or rear of the pan have been leaking ONLY while driven. The oil pump to block also weeping a bit not too bad. Motor also full rebuild. Driving me crazy and making a mess of the pristine undercarriage.
Thoughts tips??
The vent is on top of the pump just behind the converter. I suspect the converter seal has failed. Also double check kick down adjustment. Ive had massive leak issues myself with my 67 and I know your pain. Mine so far have cured.
Make sure the drain plug in the converter isn't leaking if it has one.
Unless you put a check valve in the cooler line the convertor will always drain into the trans case when sitting long periods. Usually its the selector shaft seal that leaks when the case fills up.
Didn't have such a big leak till I adjusted the kickdown a bit. Last weekend I re-adjusted pet the manual. Still leaks.
As a side note after the service manual procedure the car seems to go through the gears quick. Like by 25 I'm already in 3rd. Thoughts on that?
Under hard throttle? Mine car hits 3rd quick just driving normal in town driving. Under a hard pull it takes longer. I would try to adjust it back to where it was. Hell with the manual.
I always adjust the kickdown so the trans up-shifts at 5500-6000 at full throttle. You can adjust according to your liking.
Does making the rod longer (which forces the arm on the trans back further) make for later shifts or shortening it? The quirky 70's Chrysler video says it's better to be a bit longer (we all know that!) Ha! Too short runs the risk of burning up things inside the trans.
I recommend adjusting it the way the factory service manual says to. You definitely do not want too short, about midway of the transmission lever is where the resistance starts and you can feel it when disconnected and pulling back on arm from full forward.
67r/t4speeder Wrote:I recommend adjusting it the way the factory service manual says to. You definitely do not want too short, about midway of the transmission lever is where the resistance starts and you can feel it when disconnected and pulling back on arm from full forward.

Seems like it should hold each gear a little longer. It rolls through all 3 by the time I hit 20 under light throttle! Would shortening the rod a little extend the wind-out in each gear?
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