Full Version: GTX tailpies on a Coronet
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Has anyone seen or done this? I like the way the chrome tips angle out the back.

I need to least make my pipes come out to the bumper at least, I have the stock look turn down way short of bumper and it gets pretty stinky in the car if all the windows aren't down.

[Image: 1967-plymouth-belvedere-gtx-rear-above.jpg]o
I don't see why you couldn't? Same car underneath. Get the tips and have them spliced into your existing system. I'm a purist and like the stock turndown look. I had the exhaust guy get em as close looking as possible using 3" pipe. Stock pipes on the Coronets did turn down way before the bumper according to my research.
I've only seen one and I thought it looked great. That is my plan on my silver car. I already have the tail pipes and tips. Stock tips are only 2", but you can get bigger ones in stainless. I'm not sure who makes them, but if you want I'd be happy to try to find the vendor at Carlisle. I will also be peddling my illegal (according to others LOL) contraband, so I won't be traversing the parts like this time maybe others will find a few 67 Coronet parts!
I think it would look good Andy, go for it!

Rich, What are your spot #s? I'll stop by and say hi. My spots are P211-13 although I'm not usually there
Rich is the roving parts whore..... doesn't sit still for a second knowing there's a 66-7 part out there that needs buying
67440Dodge Wrote:Rich is the roving parts whore..... doesn't sit still for a second knowing there's a 66-7 part out there that needs buying

If I didn't resemble that remark I'd be offended, how ever I think it's an honor to be labeled the roving part whore, or is that whorder? LOL

Jeff, I'm not sure of the spot #, but it is directly across from the women's oasis and a few spots toward the grand stand. I'll have the letter displayed there.
You might have to change your tail pipes if there not bent at an angle on the end for the gtx tips, they look cool, never new 66 or 67 coronets didnt have tips on any models.
ws27 Wrote:I've only seen one and I thought it looked great. That is my plan on my silver car. I already have the tail pipes and tips. Stock tips are only 2", but you can get bigger ones in stainless. I'm not sure who makes them, but if you want I'd be happy to try to find the vendor at Carlisle. I will also be peddling my illegal (according to others LOL) contraband, so I won't be traversing the parts like this time maybe others will find a few 67 Coronet parts!

That would be great Rich, I am thinking 2.5 is plenty big enough for Max. Good idea on the size 2.0 is pretty small and I didn't know that.
67r/t4speeder Wrote:That would be great Rich, I am thinking 2.5 is plenty big enough for Max. Good idea on the size 2.0 is pretty small and I didn't know that.

I'll try to find them and give you a call but don't be afraid to call me too!
ws27 Wrote:I've only seen one and I thought it looked great. That is my plan on my silver car. I already have the tail pipes and tips. Stock tips are only 2", but you can get bigger ones in stainless. I'm not sure who makes them, but if you want I'd be happy to try to find the vendor at Carlisle. I will also be peddling my illegal (according to others LOL) contraband, so I won't be traversing the parts like this time maybe others will find a few 67 Coronet parts!

Hey Rich,

When you are at Carlisle find me a Navy Blue standard 2-spoke steering wheel for my '66.
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