Could be worse... could show up with my Silverado
67440Dodge Wrote:Could be worse... could show up with my Silverado
Or bumblebee
You can fit more parts in the truck!
I was looking at the online event guide. It looks like the tent has moved to a more central location.
Wish I could go but will just be getting back from Brazil. Maybe next year.................
Second time in 14 years I will not be able to attend.
Had to sell my 7 spots in the vendor area to a good friend of mine.
65rb is right next to my spots.
Oh well there is always next year.
Mark's 69 Wrote:I was looking at the online event guide. It looks like the tent has moved to a more central location.
I get all my updates here....oh boy lets see whats going on
looks like all the clubs are moved down to the middle...see ya all in a couple of days!!!