Full Version: Brake Lights Won't Turn Off
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Just got my 1966 Coronet 500 last October. I have had it out for the last couple of day s and last night the brake lights would not turn off when i put it into the garage. I had to disconnect the battery to shut them off. I am a little green to the muscle car world but very handy. Can anyone give me some ideas to check for. thanks
So i fpound the switch, good thing because the break pedal was almost ready to fall off. Bolted the linkage down, adjusted brake switch and now the lights are off but only the drivers side comes on when the petal is pressed, any ideas?
Check you bulbs first. If one works the other should too. That switch configuration not the best. If you notice... the switch can rotate till the connector itself can be lodged behind the pedal keeping the switch open and the lights on.