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hey guys just picked up a 66 coronet 500 vert, 383 4spd, buckets console, power windows, orig car but needs work. Would like to restore the car, what kinda value now and when its done ? thanks
Another power window car! Cool I'm jealous! What color combo? 66-67's parts are hard to find and expensive when you do. Also the two cars look similar but many parts are unique to each year and not interchangeable.
You WILL spend more than the car is worth if you do a ground-up and pay someone. If your hands on you'll save some cash and maybe make a little. The fan base for these two years is small in my opinion so If your looking to flip it you won't have a high demand car.
When I see the prices for some cars today it seems like a steal. I know after doing ours just how much you can spend doing a car nowadays. If you have a rare, one off piece maybe. I always tell people find a nice car that's done and putz with it!
Welcome aboard
Glad you found us!
Thanks for the info, its dark greem, black interior, white top!
Cool combo! If it's somewhat presentable clean it up and make it a safe driver. Original patina is cool too!
Welcome from NC!
Welcome Dag, that's a very cool car. They only made 186 of them. Power windows were extremely rare on any 66-67 B-body.

I have one too, it's dark blue with white interior and white top.

We'd love to see pics if you could.
Maybe someday!! We will see pic's of Rich's also ��
You've seen pics before.

You know, .... the mind is the second thing to go! LOL
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