Full Version: Why do the heater hoses keep leaking on me at the firewall!!!???
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New repop Chrysler hoses with numbers and what not with new clamps. The hoses just will not stay sealed! They are fine on the nipples of the water pump. I have taken them off and cleaned them, tried putting the brown molasses stuff on them...everything!

I had a screw clamp on them and that held but the OEM style clamps just don't seem to have enough bite.
My theories are hose wall on these hoses are thinner not allowing a good clamp and possibly the clamps not getting enough pinch. I even tried bending them slightly to aid that. Any other time you have to pull a hose you almost have to cut it off. I hate antifreeze messes. I want to keep the oem look but am temped to just put the screw clamps on. I want to cut the hose back a bit to start fresh but of course the hoses are cut with barely any extra to play with.

They should be 5/8ths wire clamps. I would trim off portion that was clamped on, then apply a "little" silicone sealer around the nipples of the heater core tubes and push the hoses on and set the clamps on the hoses right up next to the firewall. Let it all set overnight so the silicone can set, so if that work, that's what I did.
Might try that. I think I can rob an inch without pulling them too tight. As it is now I just touch the hose and it starts spraying out when hot.
I have struggled for 2 months fighting with hose diameters and the reproduction factory clamps. I have not gotten to the point of putting in antifreeze but I could tell it was not going to work. I finally conceded and found these clamps. They work really nice and look like something that "would" have come from some factory...

They look nice.

I noticed the idler pulley you have there Jim, did you figure out how to change the bearing in it? I have one from a friend who wants a new bearing put in it. The only way I can think of taking it apart is to "un-peen" the metal around the bearing then press the stud out. What did you do?
ws27 Wrote:They look nice.

I noticed the idler pulley you have there Jim, did you figure out how to change the bearing in it? I have one from a friend who wants a new bearing put in it. The only way I can think of taking it apart is to "un-peen" the metal around the bearing then press the stud out. What did you do?

It is original. I just glass bead blasted it and painted it. It seemed nice and tight so I left it alone.
When I was having problems with the 5/8" Mopar reproduction clamps, I found some in my stash of parts that I had purchased form a Corvette supplier. They were 5/8" clamps, but just a little smaller. They solved the leaking problem for me. You might check with Paragon.
Damn Jim, that motor is way too clean man, you drive her every weekend? Wish my motor was spotless as that,good job buddy!!!!