Full Version: Not a Coronet but Sweeet!! Part Deux
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Not a Coronet, not even a B Body. It's a 81 D150 pickup. It's got the leaning tower of power with a 833 OD trans in it. 37K Orig miles. Very solid underneath, only rust is 2 pinholes on side of bed. Was the shop truck for a small Dodge dealership that lost their franchise way back when Chrysler went thru and pulled out of lot of them.

Plans for right now include carb rebuild, clutch replacement and get rid of the Lean Burn computer Future plans? Who knows, I got enough parts to build a big block... Smile

Nice Mike, looks real solid.

Stuff a Cummins in it! LOL
Nice find Mike..

it almost looks like the bed was taken off and left in the sun. Wonder if they had a flatbed on it for a while.
Trucks are great, congrats on your find Mike .
Nice find! I was looking for something like that a while back. I vote 318
Looks like a nice one Mike. I had one just like that. On a windy day it couldn't maintain 70mph unless it was a tail wind.
I was thinking of dropping a 318 in, driviing out to Cali and spanking Tank with it Smile
You better toss a 4WD front axle under there too because we race trucks on the beach around these parts.
What ever you decide to put in it, I'm sure you'll have plenty of room.
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