Full Version: Not a Coronet But....sweeeet.
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Nice car, enjoy the father son time!
Man I would make it a sound dependable car and not touch the paint,it's only original once and it will bring more money as unrestored, just my opinion. My 64 Dart is all original,no way would I ever restore it,but I also use it as a daily driver during nice weather
honcho Wrote:Man I would make it a sound dependable car and not touch the paint,it's only original once and it will bring more money as unrestored, just my opinion. My 64 Dart is all original,no way would I ever restore it,but I also use it as a daily driver during nice weather

Im leaning very heavily in this direction. My coronet was rotisserie restore. It took me 10 years to complete. Turned out great, but I had to wait 10 years to drive it.

Since the the roof was fixed I guess it's not officially "unrestored". But pretty darn close.
Don't touch it!!!!! make it dependable and enjoy
I hate Murphy!

power steering gear was a leaker. Got one off eBay. Wrestled the old one out and the new one in.
spent hours trying to slip the steering coupler back over the worm gear spline's. I had to walk away several times. I just knew the indicator was in the right position.

Finally pushed on the tire to spin the worm gear. Somebody at the rebuild facility dropped this bad boy on its head and boxed it up.

Check out the out of round on this thing.

Back to to square one....:mad: Sometimes this hobby is frustrating.

That's one of the problems with our old cars and old parts. They have a lot of mileage on them.
ws27 Wrote:That's one of the problems with our old cars and old parts. They have a lot of mileage on them.

That sounds like me Smile
Like Indiana Jones said: "It's not the years babe, it's the mileage"!
Quick update.
Put a timing light to it and the mark was 180 off???
started over with TDC on #1 and found she was only firing on 4 cylinders. 2 in each bank. Wired it right and after she belched out all the build up she runs pretty smooth.

Acetone and elbow grease are getting the rattle can black off. We may just hit it with matte clear and run the sunburn.

I love the patina and seeing the original paint under all that! You never have to worry about people parking next to it either!
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