Full Version: Worn Hinges and Door Misalignment
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On my 67 Coronet I had worn door hinges. I rebuilt them with new bushings and pins.
No matter what, I cant get the door to align correctly.
The issue is on the latch / striker side at the bottom corner of the door. It sticks out about a 1/4 inch with the door fully closed.

I have tried to shim out the door at the upper hinge. I just makes for other problems with the fender and hood alignment

Its as if the door is twisted, Even the passenger door has the same issues and those hinges are mint.
All the gaps are perfect. Everything is straight edge true except the lower corner of the doors.

Thank you in advance
It could be twisted.

Keep in mind, if you were starting fresh with everything not adjusted, you would set the doors to the quarter panels, the then the fenders would get adjusted to the doors. You might just need to adjust the fenders to match.

Also some times you need to walk away from it for a while and then it'll hit you.
Hi Joe,

I think it could be a manufacturing thing from way back then? The reason I say this, is because both me and a friend of mine both with 67`s have exactly the same issue as you describe and they are from different plants. Mine however is far less on the passenger side than the drivers.

It would be interesting if any of others have the same problem.
1967 fit and finish first of all. Second the way the quarters are leaded to the rocker in that area could be a factor as well. The bottom corner of the door could be flared a bit as well. Also the "in and out" adjustment could be out a bit. I know what a pain these are to align. And the other problem is when you move them theY effect so many other areas-cowl, fender, rocker, window fit. You rob Peter to pay Paul to get a fit. The other problem I had is the latch/striker mechanism is a real pain to align due to design.
You could try to tap that bottom corner in with a block/rubber mallet but that's asking for more trouble sometimes!
It's makes me relieved that other 67 coronets have his problem going from JohnS comments. The door does seem twisted like as if the lap belt was caught up in the door jamb a few too many times..

thanks guys!
As I was quoted once by a Chrysler zone rep: "we're not building show cars, tell your customer to live with it"