Full Version: 67 coronet Trunk Torsion Bars
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Hello Coronet World

This is my first go at this and want to thank you for having in this forum.

My question, Does anyone have any video or schematics on how to properly install the trunk torsion bars on a 67 Coronet 440 2 door convertible?
I have the factory repair manual and all it has is 1 lame schematic that shows nothing to the placement of how the torsion bars are placed into the hinges.
If anyone has some info about this, Please Help. Thanks
I will be watching as well as I need to tighten mine and would love to see how it's done.
does anyone have a 67 dodge coronet convertible? If you could please post a few pictures of the trunk torsion bars and how they fit int the hinges, This would help me out immensely.

Thanks Coronet world.
I wish I could adjust ours. Thinking the extra paint was enough to put it over the edge. It stays up but barely. I'm gonna get it on the dome one of these days!
A friend of mine, Don made an aluminum bracket to give the torsion bars a little more strength. I'll try to find his pics.
Did you get this problem taken care of? If you have, great, if not I will do what I can to help you as far as pics go. I see its been about a month since the original post. I just got done putting mine back together after being apart for 16 years......I had a reference car here, and even with that it was a little challenging.