Full Version: Latest US trip - LA and then Las Vegas @ SEMA 2016
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I just got back from the US.

Did LA where I met some of the people working to get me cars and also met up with my shippers. Then headed up to LV for SEMA and had a few meetings with Richard Rawlings again, and met Dennis and some other TV guys to talk about the future.

My photos are here:

Don't forget to make a stop up here in western Canada ... Here in Alberta their are a lot of beautiful rust free cars that are undervalued because of the dollar .
Ie; numbers match Hemi car selling price here is $100k it works out to be under $73000 USD ...and with our economy being in the toilet , there are a bunch of great deals to be had .

Let me know if you are looking for anything specific. ...

Would you buy this almost #1 car for just over $35000 ??


Interesting. I will keep that in mind from now on. Thanks!