Full Version: My blue GTX almost bit the dust tonight.
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I was driving home from Kimballs cruise in tonight with my neighbor. Kind of leisurely driving, I tend to drive like a little old lady, almost as slow as Andy. I was going 50 to 55 and all of a sudden my neighbor yell "LOOK OUT". I'm bearing down on a car (no idea what they were driving) doing maybe 15-20. Slam on the power drum brakes and lock up the rears, go into a fish tail bad. I let up on the brake to regain control, but there's no way I'm going to stop. Can't go to the left, but the brake down lane is open! Mean while the car is regaining from this fish tail, and I hear the (7) 67 Coronet wheel covers flying around in the trunk. I end up passing what I think must be an old or drunk person on the right at 30 MPH like they were standing still. The never braked to slow, they were just tooling down the high way at a snails pace.

When I got home, I check out the trunk. Wheel covers strewn about, and I can't find my Jeep key with fob. And hour and a half later, after taking the rear seat out, I finally find the key wedged on TOP of the rear wheel housing. Luckily it didn't find it's way into the quarter window area.

I think I saw Mike waving as I flew past...

It was almost an underwear changing event. LOL

And most importantly the car didn't get hurt. Oh, and we didn't either. Notice we come second to the car.
Yup.. that was me.. I figured if I scared the crap outta ya, you'd decide to sell off the fleet.. (or at least the parts!) Smile

good thing you and your neighbor didn't get hurt..
Damn man! Glad the car (and you guys) is ok! Makes me really wanna sort out the brakes before it officially hits the road.
Yes, we sure do get used to perfect modern brakes with ABS. I need to adjust the brakes, and that might have contributed to me locking up the rear, both rears locked. The pedal goes down about an inch or so then you 100% brake. There's not much modulation. If the brakes caught higher up, I think I could have reacted a bit better. Needless to say, I'm glad I'm not a steering wheel holder otherwise the car would have been gone.
Glad you too are safe Rich , that could have been bad.
You couldn't see my handicaped plate, Rich!!
Wow, that's scary! Glad to hear no one or the car was hurt.
Time to upgrade to disc brakes Rich!
OOHHH SHIAT!! Well the good thing is no body got hurt and the cars ok. Thank God!
Wow Rich, that was WAY to close for comfort! I agree my friend, it's time for you to upgrade to front disc brakes! Like everybody else said, I'm very happy to hear that nobody was hurt and that the car wasn't damaged either.

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