Full Version: Sealing heater hoses to core
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The darn heater hoses keep weeping at the core nipples on the firewall. I am using the less than ideal factory style spring clamps for appearance sake. If I wiggle the hose when it's warm it will squirt out. (Did I just write that!?) HA!
Is there anything I can do to seal them better? I'd like to keep the oem style clamps. Only does it on the core. I was wondering if after a few heat cycles they would take a set bit they've been hot as hell a few times already.
It'll match the air cleaner lid..

Hahaha ya I know...I asked for that!
I'm not sure if it will help, and some here will cringe. I always use a half bottle of Bars leaks on a restored engine because hoses, thermostat housing, and other coolant passage gaskets tend to weep especially when they sit through a long winter. I've never had any trouble with anything clogging up and have never had even a weep, and I use the original clamps like you.
Yes I cringe as well. But maybe that would seal the thermostat housing that is weeping a tiny bit! Id like to try a mechanical fix first.
Are the hoses new?
Yes. Mopar repro hoses.
How about a little silicone sealer on the back part of the raised part of the nipple?
I've had good luck using Permatex Form - a - Gasket. It's a non-hardening gasket sealant. I believe some folks call it Permatex #2.
I did try a small amount of the brown molasses stuff on one but it still leaks. I worry anything that might make it slippery makes for the possibility of the hose slipping off under pressure! DON'T want that happening!
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