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Does anyone know the model number for a 65/66 motorola AM/FM radio? I bought one for 3 bucks, and it has 194 stamped on it, but I can't find anything for that model number on the web. Were the same radios used in Plymouth and Dodge cars? The one I bought looks similar to one my buddy has in a 65 Sport Fury. I found one on the internet, but it was made by Bendix.
After more investigation it looks like it is a model 360 or 361. Does anyone know where I can find a schematic?
Can you post a picture?

If its a 361 it would be correct for a 66 Fury. Whats interesting is that the 65 parts book does not show an am/fm radio for a plymouth - only dodge and chrysler but I know the Fury's came with them. I would have to check what model it is but I have a 65 Fury am/fm radio at home.

I also have a 65 Fury radio service manual but don't know if it is am only or if it covers both. Would need to check.
Here are pics. Any help with schematics would be appreciated.
Well I don't know what that radio is but I seriously doubt its a 361.

The face plate mounting is wrong, never seen black buttons in a 65/66 Plymouth and the 361 should say PLYMOUTH on the faceplate.

Here is a 361 manual on ebay for $12:

Check out this site: