No cars this time..
my wife Sari has told me there is a quality beach in Finland for nearly 16 years..I have denied it being from the land of the long white beaches..
But I had to admit it was pretty nice!
High res here:
Very nice.
Great sun set.
And dinner for two.
It doesn't get much better than that!!!
Better enjoy it now! Winter is just around the corner for you guys!

markz Wrote:Better enjoy it now! Winter is just around the corner for you guys! 

Pete was just in Finland, told me some really cool stories. The people sound like they are really awesome along with the countrys history
Piper Wrote:Pete was just in Finland, told me some really cool stories. The people sound like they are really awesome along with the countrys history
Did he come here for work or what? If he travels here again tell him to get in touch before he travels. Would be good to meet up for coffee.
I certainly will..he has a 69 coronet. He went with his mother to find family which they ended up finding..the culture there sounds so very cool
Piper Wrote:I certainly will..he has a 69 coronet. He went with his mother to find family which they ended up finding..the culture there sounds so very cool
Well since they found family here, chances are they will be back. If they come back over during summer, tell him to let me know in advance. We will get him to one of the car events!

A great looking couple!! When I was stationed in Germany, we toke a 21 day leave and went up to the Scandinavion countries, the people were really, really noce and the senery was great!!