Full Version: Electric exhaust dumps-opinions, thoughts?
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I know this might make some cringe at the thought of doing this on a restored-to-original car but if anyone has had them or knows anything let's hear it. I've pondered it because right now the car is open and sounds so damn good. Honestly I would love to be able to open it up here and there to be obnoxious and show off! It's a mild cam and sounds better then a stocker that somebody uncapped. I like the electric ones as it could be done at the flip of a switch. You know every time you pull it out of the garage!
If done a clean and least intrusive install is a must!
way better than the old cable operates ones, a friend has them on his fury and they are cool,( the new electric ones )and they don't give you that tick tick exhaust leak
I don't have any experience with them but I love the sound of an open exhaust V8. I say go for it!
A guy I work with has them on his Firebird. He can open them with a remote (key fob thing)
He was standing out side the car while it was idling and pushed the fob.... Instant open headers, it was cool.