Full Version: Fiberglass (aftermarket) hood too flexible..
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the fiberglass hood in my 69 seems to be aftermarket.
Underneath it has no strengthening structure like an original.
So with speed it wobbles wildly, the front lip curls up, and I fear it might brake and will fly off.
I've searched on internet for strengthening parts like these.
Nothing to be found for Coronet hoods.
Has anyone here done this before?

I did find stuff for other (plastic ;-) cars about this. They strengthen by using lightweight strips of wood.
And/or foam. Easy to shape. Then coated with fiberglass sheets.

Any information would be great.
Post some pics. Yes - foam is a good option. Use foam strips them put a couple of strips of fiberglass over it to make ribbing.
What about hood pins?

Yes foam and fiberglass seem like a good way to go.
Figure out what is the best way to make solid ribs.

Pins are simple like these;
any clue on origin, who made it ?
R/T XTC Wrote:any clue on origin, who made it ?

No, I bought the car and the hood was on it. Nothing about the manufacturer on the hood.
That looks like light weight "Race Fiberglass" that is very flimsy

You may want to invest in a quality A12 reproduction hood.
It's probably a cheap hood, I have a Aar quality bolt on hood and it still flexes on the corners so I added one Zeus fastener on each corner that I Lacth when going high speed.
Drag-Net Wrote:That looks like light weight "Race Fiberglass" that is very flimsy

You may want to invest in a quality A12 reproduction hood.

Yes it is. I wonder why they made these so flimsy. Even when used for racing only, it's likely to fly off at higher speeds.
I looked at the A12 hoods, but apart from being expensive, I'll have to ship it to the Netherlands.
That could easily double the price..
A (used) steel hood would also cost a fortune to get here.
crlush Wrote:It's probably a cheap hood, I have a Aar quality bolt on hood and it still flexes on the corners so I added one Zeus fastener on each corner that I Lacth when going high speed.

ok! So even the AAR flexes!
Do you have a pic of your added fasteners?

About speed, due to the flimsy hood, I dare not go faster than 100 Mph.
Do any of you ever drive at high speeds? Say 125Mph?
I assume with the 383 or bigger engines it was possible to do when they left the factory?
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