Full Version: 69 R/T headlight bezel restore
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Has anyone restored their 69 R/T headlight bezels? If so, where did you get the
light Argent grey paint? I called Roger Gibson and they don't have a match for
that finish.

Thanks in advance,

69 Coronet R/T
If it is similar to a 67 what I did was find a color in our color deck of chips that matched. I very lightly misted the color on. I then mixed some matte clear and very lightly misted/dry sprayed it over that to give the faint texture and a bit of protection for the base. This is using a basecoat clear coat type paint. Another idea might be to find a spray bomb silver that matches and try dry spraying it to create the texture. By dry spraying I mean hold way back and multiple light coats.

Thanks for the info. I'll give that a try if I can't find correct paint.
Do lots of practice pieces till you hone a technique that produces the results you want.
I restored mine and still have the paint. If I remember I will take a picture of it and post it.
I restored mine and still have the paint. If I remember I will take a picture of it and post it. But I am pretty sure I used this!
Thank You everyone for all the info. I'm hoping to order the MOPAR paint if they still have it, if not
then Totally Auto has a grille/bezel light argent paint that I'll try.