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Hi fellow DCR Amigos

Promise a Picture to someone here after some minor mods :-)
Real nice cruising weather here in Sweden today btw..
Horizontal accent stripe assembled
(plus hood, trunk - only a 3mm thin stripe just enough to enhance the shape - will see if i keep it)
New Viewmaster outside rear view mirror assembled on the right
New tires
Start to look really sharp I think...;-)

Have a nice day!

Sharp car indeed
A nice sunny afternoon ride, great looking car!
The car looks fantastic Anders! That car would turns heads here in the US, but I bet that folks over there practically run themselves off of the road when they see your Coronet coming their way!

Haha..ahhhh thanks guys.... :-)

Have attended three car shows sofar...(local ones, around 400 cars each time) No Coronet 500 Convertible in sight that.

forgetting : Have painted the tailpanel correct red between the lights - looks much better.

This evenings work : painted the brake master cyl ...small steps - but forward ..:-)

Have a nice day !

Best regards
Car looks great Anders.
Nice ride!!
Beautiful car!