Full Version: Let's go for a ride
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Fa and I took a ride to visit Mike today, got to go for a ride in his 67..everything works so beautifully.

Nice day, nice people, nice Coronet . Can't beat that
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Nice day, nice people, nice Coronet . Can't beat that

X2 Andy!

Mike has put in a LOT of effort and time into his Coronet and it's SOOO good to see the car back on the road again! By the way Mike, that exhaust sounds pretty good as it is, so it will be cool to hear how it sounds when you get it finished the way you want it!


P.S. Did Kevin and Jenn get a chance to drive the car as well?
Thanks guys.. it felt good to drive it and finally get to enjoy it..

Now to fix the exhaust and get the rear re-done..
Finally getting to drive the car after working on it for so long kind of feels like this doesn't it Mike?

[Image: l_395_315_8c8086bc-267e-42d8-b5d7-8f6412800ccd.jpeg]

Naw.. that's when stuff goes wrong..

this more like it

It's nice having a 4 speed, Like I say "it gives you something to do"!
The kids want to know how you text when you have to change gears manually........
67-500 Wrote:The kids want to know how you text when you have to change gears manually........

Haha turn that phone off roll the windows down and listen to the engine roar , they'll get it eventually .
That looked like fun! I like how you can tell it was putting you back in the seat and the chirp it third. Good job Mike!
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