Full Version: Delay wiper function for 67 coronet? Possible?
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Firstly I don't want to change the wipers, just wondering if the function to do that delayed final sweep can be retro fitted to our cars?
Hello Zoran,

I won't address your question regarding possible retrofitting a delayed wiper function to your car because I don't know about that, but I can say that the two factory options for the 1967 A-Body and B-Body cars were as follows.

Two speed windshield wipers
Two speed wiper motor part number 2808 767
Applications: all A-Body and B-Body cars equipped with two speed windshield wipers

Variable speed windshield wipers
Variable speed wiper motor part number 2808 801
Applications: all A-Body and B-Body cars equipped with variable speed windshield wipers

Neither of the above factory winshield wiper options had a dedicated delayed wiper setting option like the newer modern cars have. The variable speed wipers do allow for some manual wiper speed adjustments but not a dedicated automatic setting.

There was also a third three speed wiper motor in 1967, but it was only used on the C-Body cars and it did not have a delayed wiper setting feature either.

To be honest Zoran, I doubt that you're going to be able to add that feature without going with a complete aftermarket windshield wiper system.

Yep Richard I figured that..

I have the variable option by the way. Wink

I was hoping that a doohickey might have been possible to add..relatively easily.
As do I on my 1966 500. That was as good as it got in 1966 and 1967 my friend.

I'm not sure how this works, but I bet it can be wired into an old Mopar.
ws27 Wrote:I'm not sure how this works, but I bet it can be wired into an old Mopar.
Check out their website, they can let you know if it will work on other vehicles.
Umm cool find..! Thanks to both of you!