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I'm kinda hoping when I move to Spokane in March, I'll run across a 66-67 charger. Boy what I would give for one of those!!! Or even a 63 dart, I've wanted both of those since I was knee high!!!! Patience are a virtue, although not always easy!
A 66-67 Charger should be easy to find. They never were as popular as 68+, and don't command the same value. Look around, you'll find some great deals.
Ledsled 75 Wrote:I'm kinda hoping when I move to Spokane in March, I'll run across a 66-67 charger. Boy what I would give for one of those!!! Or even a 63 dart, I've wanted both of those since I was knee high!!!! Patience are a virtue, although not always easy!
I was at one of the Mopar Natl's back in the 80's, ran across a guy with a 67 Charger 440 4 speed in Mauve with a white interior, he bought the car new, I never saw another one like it!!
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