Full Version: Not Mopar - But our Daughter turned 18 and she got a Surprise of her life!
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I am just proud of her, so forgive me for posting this..Smile

That is very special and to catch on video for memories for ever.

Thanks for sharing Smile

Great parents you are
The first car is a very special moment in time for every young man or young lady! Very cool indeed Zoran!

Thanks guys she works hard at school, and works jobs during summers as well. So it is the least we could do for her.
There is nothing that compares to seeing your children so happy and excited. Very cool Zoran.
Thanks mate! You are so right!
Ditto... My daughter's Grad gift this year...

A "new/old "Sebring ... She needed to get a minimum 85% in all her classes to qualify .... She will finish with a 91 average this year !!!


Great! Cool car..And I know you are proud!