Full Version: 68 Bee-bleeder screws on front brakes
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Has anyone else had trouble with getting a wrench on the front brake bleeder screws? The screws on my car (68 Bee with manual drum brakes) are so close to the steering knuckle that I have a hard time getting a wrench on them. I bent an open end wrench and I fabricated another one from a piece of flat stock but neither can be turned much. There is not enough room to get a socket on it. The wheel cylinders were replaced with Bendix units and they match the ones that I took off. The screws do point to the front of the car like the originals and the holes seem correct. I can get them to work but it is a PITA. Just thought I'd ask.
This is close to what I use and I ground down the outside for more reach. You can grind down outside of a 1/4 drive chrome socket little more that might work.

Tight either way. Sometimes I will put old bleeder in new cylinder because new one just isn't made correct.

[Image: autowrench-4%281%29.jpg]
Thanks Andy...I'll have make one that looks like that and try it. I tried a set of Russell Speed bleeders. They have a 7MM head that makes it easier but I'm not real thrilled about those bleeders. Maybe I'm too old school but I like the original type.
Like Andy said, I would "grind" the socket or wrench down, that worked for me.