Full Version: New Member from Lake Havasu
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Nice R/T,; was reading thru this post and saw that you mentioned something about old minibikes. I've run across your posts before over on old, small world.
67-500 Wrote:Nice R/T,; was reading thru this post and saw that you mentioned something about old minibikes. I've run across your posts before over on old, small world.

I believe I know who you are too there. Smile That has been an interesting hobby, but it's time to move on. Quietly selling most of my stuff, keeping a couple of favorites.

A lot of the vintage mini bike guys are of an age where they are also in the vintage car world. They seem to go hand in hand.
Nice R/T you found. And Thank you for your service. I'm partial to to 66/67 Coronet too, and owned a few. But I'm currently working on a 67 R/T and I just love the long sexxy lines it has. A lot of cool knowledge mopar guys are hear to help when you need anything. So again, welcome to the site. Post more pics.
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