Full Version: 1949 dodge coronet new guy
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just bought a 1949 dodge coronet, haven't done much yet, but when I did drive it, I got to about 45pmh and it would start to sputter, so had it towed back to my shop, and had someone rebuild the carburetor, installed new plugs and wires, but now I can not go about 5 mph with out it missing and backfiring, going to try cap, rotor, points and condenser next, but wondering if anyone had any other suggestions

I would definitely start with the cap, rotor and points. Let us know if that helps. I'd love to see a pic of your car!
Welcome to the site!

Because you rebuilt the carb, replaced the plugs and wires, and the problem got worse, I'd look at those first. It sounds like the firing order may be off, or if the distributor was loosened, the timing got knocked out. By changing the points/condensor/cap/rotor you may introduce another problem, and now you'll be chasing multiple problems.
make sure you don't have a vacuum leak
This is why I love this forum. I learn so many things every time I get on here. You guys are great!
Another thing you can do is find what RPM it starts to miss in the driveway, then start pulling plug wires one at a time to see which cylinder, if any is missing. Be careful not to shock yourself and of course watch the fan too. If one or two cylinders is the problem, you won't change anything when you pull those wires. If there is no discernible change, then the problem is in something that all cylinders share,.
Welcome! I don't think we have anyone here with one that early.
Racer Brown Wrote:Welcome! I don't think we have anyone here with one that early.

besides me, right? Wink
roadworthy Wrote:besides me, right? Wink
OOPs, I forgot!!
update: new cap rotors points took care of issue driving a lower speeds, but still having original issue, at about 45 mph it start cutting out and loose power... open to suggestion ..timing maybe?