Full Version: vid loading test 123 Attex
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Somebody's having too much fun!!!!!!
That's cool ... What engine is in it ? I didn't know it was a 2 stroke ???

Big Beer tub on wheels ....

Heck yeah Andy, its a Canadian Curtiss-Write 400 twin cylinder , transmission is a Baker Hill 7000 this is my bible for tuning it

I am all two stroke buddy
Very cool Andy.
Here is what it looked like when I found it in a shed

let me know if that opens for you, I am testing my photobucket
I know the CCW/Kioritz quite well. They were made by John Deere . Good to know you have something with a John Deere engine in it !!! LOL.

I still have a few old JD sleds with the same engine ....

I can send you a mild 890cc 200hp custom built Rotax sled engine/clutch and make that puppy rock like the Devil !!! lol

you'll have to post more videos of the Attex
67r/t4speeder Wrote:

Yep ... that would rock with a 800 Rotax twin !!!

haha I would have to go big on chains and axles and and and ....would be fun for bit though Smile

This 400 really is super fast when you hit the throttle for a non chambered exhaust, still so like a Yamaha RD to me. It hauls two of us around in the dunes just fine.