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I rebuilt the old Stromberg on my 318 poly and am not happy with the results. Accelerator pump is sticking, after hours of sanding and careful filling, it still leaks between the throttle plate and the main body. I think I'm just gonna buy a new carb since I can't afford a 4 barrel intake right now. Does anyone have any suggestions on which 2 barrel carburetor to go with and where to get it?
Try rock auto.
Will do, thanks!
No luck on Rock Auto. Any other suggestions?
Not sure. but can you figure out where the gas is coming from? That lower gasket shouldn't touch and gas when the car is not running...I think anyways.

Try to fill the bowl with gas with the throttle plate off and see what happens.

I bet you have a crack.
I did that also and all is good. I sprayed a crap ton of carb cleaner all around the carb while it was running and it didn't change the way it ran so it's not sucking air. It only leaks when I poured gas down through the top, not when it's running. I'm wondering if it may be running out and down from around one of the linkage rods?
My main concern is that it has a rough idle like it's got a big cam and I did a full tune up and adjusted the carb. Couldn't find any vacuum leaks. After I had it running for about 5 minutes it wouldn't restart until I pulled the pcv hose. Could this be telling me the pcv valve is bad? I've always been able to figure these things out but I'm stumped this time.
That sounds like it might have gotten flooded, and taking the PCV hose off gave it more air to start with.

How old is the gas in it?
It had maybe a gallon or two that was about a few years old. I put some stabil in it along with about 5 gallons of fresh gas. Do you think that could be the cause?
One way to test is to disconnect the supply to the pump and run a hose from a external can with fresh gas in it. That won't help finding where the leaking is around the base plate, but if it runs better you know that part related to the fuel
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