Hey all, just wanted to pop on and introduce myself. I own a 66 Coronet 500 all original powered by a 318 poly. I'm proud to say this was my first car and am still enjoying it
17 years later. I'm currently working on getting it cleaned back up.
Welcome to the site Tom.. if you have any questions, ask away.. lots of friendly people here willing to help.
Thanks 67440dodge. I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions. I'm really glad I found this site!
Welcome - glad to see another '66 on the site.
Hi Tom
Welcome to DCR from Sweden
We have the same car/ engine :-)But mine is a convertible.
Please send us a picture of your 500.
Best Regards
Welcome aboard
we like pics

Welcome Tom, We'd love to see pics.
My poor baby sat for about 7 years. This was taken today after I gave her a full tune up, rebuilt the old stromberg and changed the fluids. I still have a lot of work to do but she'll get there.