Full Version: My car is on the cover of the upcoming month's Chrysler Power!
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Pages: 1 2
Congratulations Zoran, maybe they'll use it in their display at the Chrysler Nationals and your car will finally be seen by thousands at Carlisle!
Action burn out shot too

Mark's 69 Wrote:Congratulations Zoran, maybe they'll use it in their display at the Chrysler Nationals and your car will finally be seen by thousands at Carlisle!

Yeah that would be great. I was trying to get over for Carlisle (not with my car of course) but...our daughter turns 18 on May and I want to surprise her with a car..So I would rather give up my trip for that. Smile
Congrats! That's pretty darn cool!
That's fantastic!!!!
Congrats! It will be great to see a 66/67 Coronet on the cover.
Very cool Zoran! A beautiful 67 that deserves to be seen!

Thanks everyone!

My issue arrived today!

They did you good, great coverage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOW
awesome write up!
Pages: 1 2