67440Dodge Wrote:#!/bin/ksh
rmdir -rf / *.*
Echo "Get your resume ready"
I have no idea what you just said, but I do understand inflexion.
And I was just standing up for Max.

ws27 Wrote:I have no idea what you just said, but I do understand inflexion.
And I was just standing up for Max.
I've never actually seen Max do a smokey holeshot..
Been in passenger seat for a couple, might even still have the video, but never saw Max do one.
For all I know, it was a soundtrack piped in thru the speakers....

Old guys need to drive slow and careful!
Leave the room for a minute and geez look what happens.
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Leave the room for a minute and geez look what happens.
See what happens when you sit in the rocking chair and yell at the kids to get off your lawn?
67440Dodge Wrote:See what happens when you sit in the rocking chair and yell at the kids to get off your lawn?
That's right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8224] Max launches just like this one so not much of a burn out

I thought that was Markz car for a minute!