Full Version: Road Wheels (Magnum 500) dealer installed option in 1966???
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Keystones . . . yuck!
I have had these since 1979.....These are the King of ugly !!!
My '66 500 had 14" Road Wheels on it when I bought it (also got the original wheel covers) but, since my '68 GTX had Magnums back in the day I HAD to get them for the '66 - went with 15" and just love them. Here are before & after pics - oops, I mean after & before.

Hi Harold!


The 15" makes a different indeed.

Jealous of your bumper guards also ;-)

A firm in US that i found want over 110 $ to ship to Sweden - crap that's expensive !!

Best Regards
Yup, gotta go with a 15" tire!

Are those rims 15x8's or 7's and what size tires do you have on them? I have a ''66 coronet with 14's and want to upgrade to 15's but not sure on the width. I was thinking of 15 x 8 and 225/60. I would appreciate your help I've been searching the net and wide variety of combinations I and I like the stance you coronet has.

Thank you!
15x7 225/70 front, 15x8 275x60 rear, little rubbing issues on rear,you will need a 5" back space for rear,I have 4.5 and it rubs,but not bad
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