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Hello and good evening - here the clock right now is 21.18 pm!

These 5 pictures is from a fishingtrip last year in my homelake "Svinstadsjön". Between the first and the last photo are about 20 min,,

I called them fire, Fire, FIRE...:-)

Wow .!! Beauty
Nice pics !
WOW Absolutely FANTASTIC shots there Anders!!!

Tanx Richard Smile

Yepp.. a fishingtrip to remember....and Think about during the long Winter....

Must show you the result of last weekends expedition....:-) Caught them on my own homemade flies... gives the whole deal something extra

Have a nice Weekend all you folks!

Regards Anders8160]
Nice size fish, I would love to catch one that big. Lets just say I have been on a dry spell lately with my fishing Smile , my luck is going to change soon and in a BIG FISH way.

Thanks for the pic
Salmon on a cedar plank, on the grille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like it Racer Brown....Big Grin like it
MrCoronet Wrote:Like it Racer Brown....Big Grin like it
...with some lemon and garlic basting!
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