Full Version: Reproduction Dash Pads
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If anybody is going to take the time and effort to restore their Coronet's interior, then a new dashboard pad will be in order. The reproduction dash pads that I've listed below are produced by the Canadian based company called P.G. Classics which many of you have heard of. What some may not have known, is that they also were a major parts supplier to the well known American based company called BE&A Restoration Parts located in Ohio. I can say that I've purchased one of the 1966-67 Black dash pads from BE&A for my 1966 Coronet 500 that was supplied by P.G. Classics and can say that it's one of the nicest reproduction parts that I've ever purchased! These restoration dash pads look as nice as any nos dash pad I've ever seen and are priced very fairly. They are made with high quality materials and use a closed cell foam padding that will hold up much better than the foam padding that Chrysler used back in the 1960's and 1970's.

I'm going to concentrate on the 1966-1967 B-Body dash pads here, but P.G Classics also reproduces dash pads in most of the original factory colors for the 1966-1967 Dodge Chargers which use a different dash pad than all of the other 1966-1967 B-Body cars and they also offer most factory colors for the one year only 1968 B-Body cars as well as most factory colors for all of the 1969 and 1970 B-Body cars.


P.G. Classics
6631 Bank St
Ottawa, ON, K0A 2P0

Customer Service:

Toll Free: (888)-473-5855

Store Hours:

Monday: 9:30 am-7:00 pm
Tuesday: 9:30 am-7:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:30 am-7:00 pm
Thursday: 9:30 am-7:00 pm
Friday: 9:30 am-7:00 pm
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed

1966-1967 B-Body Dash Pad - Blue:

Not currently listed on Ebay and no picture available, but this color is available

1966-1967 B-Body Dash Pad - Red:

Not currently listed on Ebay but this color is available

[Image: s-l1600.jpg]
1966-1967 B-Body Dash Pad - Black:

Ebay auction link:

[Image: s-l1600.jpg]
1966-1967 B-Body Dash Pad - Tan:

Ebay auction link:

[Image: s-l1600.jpg]

1966-1967 B-Body Dash Pad - Green:

Ebay auction link:

[Image: s-l1600.jpg]
I totally agree. I got a 66/67 black one from Mike stashed away..............
PG seems to be a hit or miss with their items, their ramair ducting hugely sucks
Mike did mine for my '67, it is great. I have heard that some people have not been happy, but I can't speak to that. Mine was totally great! Smile
The Chinese lady at PG Classics is a real piece of work. That is why everyone wanted to work directly with Mike.