Full Version: Fuel Pumps-Painted with engine or not?
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ws27 Wrote:The g 15 6 could be a date code, July 15 1966

According to that website and another I checked, fuel pumps and carbs were 2 digit date codes, month/year.
OK another question regarding the fuel pump. I am attempting to install it and the 9/16" bolt that is closest to the block is soo tight that you can't get a socket or wrench around it! Are these the wrong bolts or am I missing something? The space between the block and the bolt is too tight. Am I using the wrong bolts?
I don't really remember having any difficulty. A 12 point socket should do it. Also a 3/8 drive should be thinner than a 1/2.

Good reason to do it before paint.
Maybe plug the hole and take a small deburring tool and take out very little bit of the casting to the left of the bolt until you get a socket on it, I know it's close.
Wound up grinding the sides of my 12pt box end wrench. Just enough to get in there and 1/8 turn-at-a-time tighten it. Damn it's tight in there though. Maybe 1/16"!
How did you get it apart?
ws27 Wrote:How did you get it apart?
Had a friend do the motor for us.
Racer Brown Wrote:I talked to the guys on FB 66-67 B-bodys, Hemi fuel pumps were installed AFTER the block was painted and the 440's on down were ON the block when it was painted.
I don't know if this is true. I saw an original untouched 1966 426 hemi this weekend and the fuel pump had overspray all over it.
I know I'm coming to this party a little late, but I had the same question about my 67 R/T. I've had it since '82, but replaced the fuel pump back in the day, without consideration for originality. So, I reached out to Roger Gibson, and he confirmed for me that the 440 fuel pumps were painted on the engine. So, another data point for you. And yes, that inside bolt has TIGHT access.


Yup, Roger's the man as is Kenny Moser, they would know!
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