Full Version: Hello from Germany!
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That was cool as hell...
X2 that vid was great
expected the case to blow sky high LOL
Good video nice dodge.
Nice car and cool video!
THX Guys! Wink
We made this video partly in the old US O´Brian Barracks nearby and around 10mls from there. It was a teaser for my brothers Film-Camera-Lens-Shop. It takes two full days of shooting and about 2 weeks at the computer to get this thing online in this form. We used some really expensive tools but in the end it really was a amateur-job....even if it don´t looks like that! Wink During the takes my Coronet heated up and blows one header gasket - man that was a shocking sound Smile
In the next few days we come up with a nice game at If interested in an app for creating your own outdoor-festival i´ll get you the link here if permitted.
Post away on the link..
Alright, here we go! My Brothers game is online now - feel free to share with your friends and donate if you like it Smile
Or even tell me your opinion about our project...

If anyone don´t want me to post this here please tell me.

Best wishes,
Welcome and as said nice collection you have. I can remember being in Germany as a kid. My dad was a pilot in the service and I started preschool, I assume on a base there. I don't remember to much but i remember riding a sled down a hill behind our apartment. I also remember my first ride in an airplane too, but not much else. But I digress, good to have you aboard.
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