I'm with tekhouse - bridged the back of my Ballast with 12ga wire and even keep a "spare" resistor in the glove box in case anyone suspects I've changed anything! Also bought the "black" ignitor coil and stripped the decal from it - looks stock. Finally, I added the optional power relay to feed the coil just in case - a sharp eye might see it! Pertronix works great.
Good point about the coil. I also got the ignitor III, I will take mine off and strip the decal too!
harold prentice Wrote:I'm with tekhouse - bridged the back of my Ballast with 12ga wire and even keep a "spare" resistor in the glove box in case anyone suspects I've changed anything! Also bought the "black" ignitor coil and stripped the decal from it - looks stock. Finally, I added the optional power relay to feed the coil just in case - a sharp eye might see it! Pertronix works great.