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now for the other rear castle nut.tried off and on soaking with rustbuster looks like nut washer and spindle fused as one.even broke 1/2 in stub extension trying to step will try mapp tourch. by the way other side shoe worn down uneven caught before getting to metal of shoe guess who worked on before gave up on rear because of frozen nut
You did it!!!

pull the rubber boots back a little on cylinders and make sure not leaking
Another guestion for same era cars.the rear brake had longer shoe towards front of car but rear had a shorter shoe (drivers side) shouldn't both shoes be same size?
Well after plenty of heat & persuading using 3ft pipe finally broke nut loose! !!.on to removing drum tomorrow


No, shoes should not be the same size on the rear. Look at your fronts. There are 2 wheel cylinders top and bottom. These shoes are mirror images of each other. On the rear there is only 1 wheel cylinder. The front brakes the toe of each shoe is moved against the drum when the brakes are applied. This gives you increased stopping power in the front. On the rear brakes the toe of the larger shoe is moved out when applying the brakes and the heel of the lagging shoe is moved out against the drum. This will stop the wheels from turning but the heel against the drum is best described as Fred Flintstone dropping his feet and digging in his heels. The toe of your shoes going against the drum is like forcing a wedge against the moving parts. It has a tendency to be self energizing.
somewhere i thought i read 11 in. all the way around? looking up parts at Andy Bernbaums has only 1 part number for shoes ,thought maybe someone put later year shoes on back


Not Likely. The Wayfarer came out with 10" shoes along with all of the Plymouths, the Coronet and the Meadowbrook had 11" shoes unless they were the larger 7 passenger limo, which had 12" shoes. The same brakes were used from 1946 to 1954. They will be the Lockheed style brakes and I think after 1954 they may have changed the brake style.

I visited Andy's website. You may have missed this note: "Sold in axle sets (enough for two wheels) ... Please specify front, rear or both."
my shop manual shows rear shoe same size sorry came outupside down


Get a parts manual. They reference the individual shoes as long and short with different part numbers.
Still trying to remove last rear drum (one that castle nut was frozen on)i have heavy duty drum puller ,soaked with rustbuster,applied heat.i have puller so tight it made a u in crow bar holding it.any suggestions?and what will break first puller or drum popping?
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