Full Version: '67 R/T Engine ID Pad
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I was doing a little engine archeology today, and closely examined my engine ID pad. I hadn't done this in years, beyond confirming that it was the "born-with" engine back when I first bought the car in '82.

Below is the pad on my engine. I know the "C440" (1967 440 CID), the "2 22" (February, 22nd. 1967 engine assembly date), and "HP" (High Performance, or "Magnum" engine) markings. But, does anyone know the significance of the sideways "B" above the "0" in "C440"? Inspector's mark? Shift ID? Component deviation? Also, I noticed for the first time that the two 4's in "440" are of different font. Just interesting. Unless the sideways "B" pertains to a machining deviation, it looks like my engine made it through assembly without any undersized components.

Also, I noticed for the first time that the machined pad on the RH cylinder head was marked "HP". Has anyone else seen this on their '915 heads? Maybe they're all that way; I never noticed.



I checked the list and couldn't find a B designation. Maybe Bob was stamping pads that day. LOL
Yes, I'm guessing it's an inspector's ID mark or something like that.
I've got an "O" on mine, maybe his name was Oscar!
If its stamped with a "G" =
