Full Version: Removal of 383 4 barrel badges on 67 Coronet?
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I have pretty good original badges on my car, but I recently picked up pristine new ones. They came with speed nuts, so I am guessing my original ones have those too.. Where is the access to the back of the fender from?
Try reaching through the door with the door not fully open.

If that doesn't work, then you will have to remove the rear splash shields.
Thanks..Yeah..My hands are probably not going to fit, so either I bribe my daughter to try or remove that splash shield..I thought that was what was going to happen..Smile Just wanted to check before I do it the hard way. Smile
You might want to think about using barrel nuts when you put your new emblems on this way they can be removed and you can clean/wax behind them.
I have them on all my body emblems
Good idea..I will do that too..