Full Version: Happy 50th to my Coronet
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The wife thinks I am a lunatic but I know y'all will understand. According to my build sheet, today is my car's 50th birthday. Please hoist a favorite beverage to her when it's appropriate in your time zone. Thank you! :-)

Happy 50th Birthday ! And still a beauty.
That car looks SSOOOO good

Cheers (its an ice tea but I am working still)
Nice! Can you make it Kimballs this week?
Yea that is a sweet ride!
Looks like rain for Friday, probably no Kimballs!
Warhawkfight34 Wrote:Looks like rain for Friday, probably no Kimballs!

Don't be so negative! The rain is supposed to clear out well before the show starts. There's only a couple left.
If it does i'll get my girl cleaned up for tonight!
Lovely car! That color! Smile