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Here are a few pictures that I took at a public park just down the road from my home in Phoenix. Took them a couple of years ago using my Cannon PowerShot SX40HS digital camera.


[Image: ChristyCovePark-mountainthroughtree-1.jpg~original]

[Image: ChristyCovePark-mountainonsunnyday-1.jpg~original]

[Image: ChristyCovePark-mountaintopthroughsplitt...g~original]
[/URL][Image: ChristyCovePark-treesandlamppost.jpg~original]

[Image: ChristyCovePark-mountainonclearsunnyday.jpg~original]
Do you have any mine shafts in those hills?
Not as far as I know Andy, but there are some hiking trails on some of those hills and some like to take their BMX bikes on those trails as well. No motorized vehicles are allowed though.
